Rollology talks to Dr. Suzanne Fuchs Head Podiatrist at Luxe Podiatry
With the summer days almost here we are all used to sliding on a pair of Flip Flops and going about our day. The problem is that Flip Flops are the worst shoes for our feet. When we wear Flip Flops we have very little sole support and the feet must work harder to keep the Flip Flop from flying off the foot. They are called Flip Flops for a reason!
The tendons in the top of the foot must work the hardest. They get so tight that they affect the toes. When we have tight tendons, the toes start to curl under causing what is called Hammer Toes. Also, the toes grip, and the big toe has to hang on as well. Many who have worn Flips Flops for years are finding out that they’ve developed Hammer Toes and possibly Bunions! Some Flip Flop wearers suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. This is because the muscles of the feet are working over time to keep the Flip Flop on. This can cause heel and foot pain.
Another issue you may experience is Tendonitis, which is caused by lack of support in the shoe structure. The lack of support in the shoe combined with the action of toes gripping the shoe can cause the bones in the foot to shift. Other body parts, such as the ankle, need to work harder. This has an effect with the entire alignment of the body!
Last but not least: injuries due to Flip flops sliding off the foot, or getting caught on something can cause a trip or fall. When you wear Flip Flops you increase your chances of stubbing or breaking a toe. Also you are more likely to sprain your ankle.
We recommend 2 things :
- A good sandal. It should have a arch support and good straps particularly across the back of the heel.
- The Rollology Toe exercises. We offer a variety of foot exercises that keep the intrinsic muscles of the feet working properly! The Rollology Foot and Toe Exercises keep away the bunions and the hammer toes! Your whole body will be in better alignment. This will improve your posture and enhance your workouts!